The Chelsea District Library holds a collections of historical photographs that depict scenes and buildings from throughout Chelsea.  You can view an album of these photographs at the library on the second floor in the local history alcove. 

Dedicated local history volunteer Jim Hammel has captured modern-day views of the same scenes depicted in these selected photographs.  Enjoy this survey of Chelsea’s architectural history by click on the links below to visit their exhibit pages.

Chelsea Christian Fellowship  |  The Chelsea Depot  |  Chelsea House Hotel  |  Chelsea Light and Water Department  |  Chelsea Savings Bank  |  Federal Screw Works  |  First United Methodist Church  |  Freeman and Cummings Grocery | Gates HouseGlazier Stove Company Welfare Building  |  Harper’s Overland Garage  |   Interurban Station  |  Kempf Commercial and Savings Bank  |   Lincoln Street  |  Main and Middle Street  |  Main Street  |  Methodist Retirement Home  |  Morlock’s Garage  |  Pierce Park  |  Spaulding Garage  |  Summit Street  |  Sylvan Town Hall

Images from Chelsea Historical Photograph Collection, Chelsea District Library and Jim Hammel, CDL Local History Volunteer.