Farmers – Premiered in September 2011, featuring 13 interviews with longtime area farmers and their families. This film recounts the agricultural history of our community and the way life on the farm has changed through the years.
Korean War Veterans – Premiered November 2012, produced in partnership with Chelsea’s American Legion Post #31 and the Chelsea VFW Post #4076.
Local Landmarks – These mini-documentaries highlight the stories behind many of Chelsea’s notable buildings.
One Room Schoolhouses – Premiered in 2008, this was the first documentary produced by the library. Produced in partnership with the Chelsea Senior Center, this film shares the memories and experiences of one room schoolhouse alumni from the Chelsea area.
Village Life – Premiered October 2012, featuring interviews with 22 Chelsea residents. This film shares their recollections of the village of Chelsea as it has grown and changed, with special focus on the 125th Anniversary Celebration that took place in 1953.
Vietnam Veterans – Premiered November 2013, produced in partnership with Chelsea’s American Legion Post #31 and the Chelsea VFW Post #4076.
World War II Veterans – Premiered October 2010, featuring interviews with 24 veterans. This film tells the stories of Chelsea-area citizens who served in branches of the military, or experienced the war on the home front.
Many of our documentaries were made possible by the generous support of the Chelsea Community Foundation.
Thanks to our filmmaker The Video Farm for the hard work and creative talent they have contributed to these projects.